Qld public health emergency declaration grants extraordinary powers to CHO

Misunderstood by many in the media & politics is the declaration of a public health emergency in Queensland. It grants extraordinary powers to the Queensland Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeannette Young.

The Australian Medical Association Queensland President Dr Chris Perry recently explained how the CHO’s directions are law and how they differ to Victoria.

Professor of IP & Innovation Law at Queensland University of Technology Dr Matthew Rimmer also stated that under section 362b of the Public Health Act 2005, Qld CHO Dr Jeanette Young is granted directions.

Professor of Law of Politics at the University of Politics, Graeme Orr confirmed some of these special powers.

Qld CHO Dr Jeanette Young recently confirmed that all hotel quarantine is managed by Qld Health and Qld Police.

NSW today continued its attack on Queensland.

Queensland Deputy Premier Steve Miles defended the Qld position and defended the CHO.

Update: Qld Deputy Police Commissioner Steve Gollschewski recently explained that any health direction given by the Qld CHO are lawful.